Listening books
Listening books

Some of the books we offer at the moment that may directly help include How 2 Be Happy by Jenny Alexander and Notes on Being Teenage by Rosalind Jana. Students can use them to have precious quiet time, but still benefit from the educational content on offer. There are so many benefits to using audiobooks to support mental health, such as distracting from negative thoughts, reducing stress and helping with sleep. If you are working with children and young adults that have a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression which affects their ability to access books and the printed word, then they too can access the wonderful range of audiobooks we have to offer. Press the ‘play’ symbol and the book will begin!.Search the catalogue for a book which you would like to listen to.Log onto the Listening Books website with your LGfL USO account.The Great Depression and the America's 1929 – 1939 by Nick Fellowsīooks included cover curriculum subjects and topics such as:.An Inconvenient Truth: the Crisis of Global Warming (Young Adult Version) by Al Gore.

listening books

There is a great range of fiction and non-fiction available to support pupils from Key Stage 2 up to A-Level, in subjects such as History, PSHE, and English, many of which are exclusive to Listening Books! Titles available include: Titles can be streamed directly for group listening in class or for individuals to listen with headphones. Rocket fund – 'crowdfunding for schools'.

Listening books